Presentation of the book "Learning how to identify birds by impression".

Learning how to identify birds by impression is a theoretical-practical book, which allows the observer to identify birds by impression, after carrying out the practical exercises that it proposes. This book is not a bird guide, but a method for identifying wild birds. The book is composed of two parts: the first one, theoretical, deals with impressions, how they are born and what the result of their operation is. The second part, practical, teaches how to operate the variables and thus generate impressions, through the combination of field and at desk exercises. With practice, the observer will experience birding by impression. The method is based in the acquisition of a familiarisation to the bird and its environment and, for that, it uses holistic variables that include in addition to plumage, ecology, structure and behaviour. Familiarisation is obtained through the generation of own impressions of the right side of the brain (Karlson K and Rosselet D, 2015), induced af...