Birding by impression History

1. About the Identification by Impression (Jizz) have speaking from the 50´s. Already, in the famous guide of Peterson, Mounfort and Hollom, its existence was signing up. Was known that it skill that the expert ornithologists were possessing, acquired in an empirical way after years of practice, was without comprising well the causes of the phenomenon and, much less, planning a method for its acquisition.

2. In the 90´s, Hume, R. published “Birds by character”, an identification Guide by impression, whith illustrations including behavior and estructure. The ilustrator was Wallace, I., current director of the british RSPB. It is a delightful bird guide but its functioning is like the common guides, comparing illustrations with wild birds, in this case also with illustrations of its structure and behavior. On having acted like a Guide, it does not present a structured and systematical method to operate variables with evaluative language, the way to generate impressions.

3. Gladwell, M. in "Blink" (2005), includes a splendid interview with Sibley, where he reflects on the identification by impression. Sibley knows that it exists and that it is the best way of identifying in practice, but it does not understand how it is acquired, and much mor less in a conscious way, via a structured method.

4. Perhaps, who earlier drafted its bases, but without creating a structured method, was Dunne, P. in “Field Guide Companion” of 2006. Kaufman, K. in “Field Guide to advanced birding (2011), compares the advantages between identifying via plumage and via impression. Neither it comprises the mechanics of its learning. Blomdahl, T, Breife, B. and Holstrom, N., understands the identification for impression in“ Flight identification on european seabirds (2012). They use a evaluative language to produce the variables of the flight but, conclude, that it is a very subjective system in that the observer neither knows how it obtains it, and cannot even transmit it to others, although they notice that it is a process very efficient and, in some conditions, the possible only one.

5. Finally, in 2015, Roger Tory Peterson Institut published “Birding by Impression” signed by Karlson, T. and Rosslet, D. It is a Guide of the birds of North America prepared with skills of identification for impression. For the first time, it signs up, in a plain way, a method for ID by impression, but it does not happen of design a general protocol.

6. Finally, the method developed in this book of Jodra Arilla, PJ (2017) “Learn to identify birds by impression,”, is not a Guide (differs between learning for comparison between the bird with the illustrations of the Guides of birds). The impressions are obtained whit operating variables and the composition of his correspondent sentences with evaluative language to generate impressions, of the type of the treated ones by the right part of the brain, after the operation of the variables chosen from the bird.

The variables are the structure, the behavior and the ecology. The plumage analysis of the bird complements whith the left part of the brain. This way, the two parts of the brain are activated and the informations associate in images and texts. There are properties of the present method the one that is sequenced and structured to be able to produce the key variables of a bird and power like that to generate imperishable impressions managed by the very stable and powerful memory subconscious.

The method departs from a holistic point of view from the birds (a living being adapting itself in an environment), not disintegrated in its parts. That is practical and contains numerous field exercises therefore it is valid so much for self-educated as for the teachers or experienced Birders.
Karlson KT, confesses in “Birding by impression” that being already an expert observer, they had to convince him so that he was adopting the identification as impression but that, now, its performances as observer of birds have multiplied. I believe that he is saying everything. "Birding by impression (2.015)": "After using this ID approach for several years, we have found our field skills increasing dramatically, especially in marginal or difficult viewing conditions".

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